Atiqah Jamil

FMA Marketing & Promotions Manager


Preferring the autonomy of being her own boss, Ms. Atiqah embarked on a career as a freelance research assistant and translator, leveraging her Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology. Prioritizing time freedom, she embraced the freelance lifestyle, finding her passion for business and gaining experience in several networking companies as an independent distributor, including ToneExcel and PowerGold.

In 2017, health challenges led Ms. Atiqah to discover FMA. Grateful for the positive impact of the academy’s products on her well-being, she regained the quality of life she longed for. However, it was the loss of her husband’s income during the 2020 pandemic that propelled her to take her business with FMA seriously. By achieving the Manager status that same year, Ms. Atiqah experienced a significant increase in income, enabling her to support her family during challenging times.

Convinced of the comprehensive support and guidance provided by FMA, Ms. Atiqah continued to build her business, consistently improving her performance. Despite being a full-time housewife with two children, she earned recognition as Aloe Ambassador 2021, received Star Awards 2021, and participated in the Achievers Trip to Kundasang in 2022. Notably, with FMA’s support, she achieved her first RM500 thousand in sales in 2021.

Ms. Atiqah is highly committed and dedicated to her passion with FMA, “aspiring to inspire more housewives and businesswomen who share her vision of success”.