FMA Summit & Achievers Night Celebration 2024

Date: 25 February 2024

Time: 09:00AM

Author: Ikhmal Zaim

The FMA Summit, held on 24 February 2024 at the Grand DarulMakmur Hotel in Kuantan Pahang, was a prestigious gathering of top minds in the business world. Organized by FMA, a renowned organization dedicated to entrepreneurship and innovation, the event showcased the dedication and passion of our entrepreneurs.

Months of planning by the FMA Avengers, a skilled team in many areas, ensured the FMA Summit’s success. A dedicated committee of FMA members worked tirelessly behind the scenes to create a seamless experience for attendees.

The FMA Summit provided a platform for networking and collaboration, inspiring entrepreneurs to push boundaries and forge valuable partnerships. The diverse lineup of speakers shared their personal journeys, offering insights and motivation to all attendees.

The FMA Summit kicked off with an exciting booth hopping experience, featuring a total of 7 booths catering to our esteemed guests and entrepreneurs. These booths included Registration & Gift, FMA Merchandise, Flowers House, Sip & Refresh, Know Your Body, House of Beauty, and Business Pitching & TechXplore. The booth hopping activity allowed our guests and entrepreneurs the freedom to explore and engage with the booths of their choice.

Following the booth hopping session, everyone made their way to their seats to enjoy the next part of the FMA Summit, which was a captivating presentation by our esteemed FMA Leaders. The atmosphere was electric as Puan Ruziah, Puan Nora Tahir, Puan Nazaratulsyima, and Puan Norsidah delivered an engaging and enjoyable presentation, ensuring that the guests and entrepreneurs had a fantastic time.

At a crucial moment during the event, Puan Juraidah, the Faces of FMA, took the stage to deliver a heartfelt speech, applauding everyone in the hall for their contributions in making the FMA Summit a resounding success. Her presence added an extra touch of significance to the occasion, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees.

The event then proceeded with the presentation of certificates to the achievers, creating a truly memorable moment for the FMA entrepreneurs. The certificates were handed out by our esteemed FMA leaders, further highlighting the recognition and appreciation for the hard work and achievements of the entrepreneurs. This segment of the summit served as a testament to the dedication and success within the FMA community. FMA Summit ended at 1:30PM with the knowledge of a textbook on how to improve the business skills.

Transitioning to the subsequent event of the evening, The Achievers Night Celebration 2024 (ANC2024) took place at The Grand DarulMakmur Hotel in Kuantan, Pahang. The proposed gala dinner for ANC2024 will exude elegance with the color scheme of Orange, Black, and Silver selected as the thematic backdrop for the night.

Upon arrival, attendees guided to their designated seats within the hall. The ANC2024 commenced with the FMA Avengers lineup gracing the red carpet, acknowledging their pivotal role in propelling FMA towards greater success. Subsequently, Puan Juraidah Mohamad, the face of FMA, made her grand entrance on the red carpet as the distinguished individual of the evening. A heartfelt prayer offered in memory of En Ahmad Abdullah’s father, a significant figure within the FMA community who recently passed away.

The gala night ANC2024 kicked off with the introduction of the special emcee, Azizi from Akademi Fantasia 1, who demonstrated his adeptness in hosting the event. He serenaded the audience with three melodious songs at the outset. The hotel then commenced the food presentation, tantalizing the taste buds of the attendees.

An integral part of the evening, the commencement of the lucky draw, featuring 30 substantial prizes for the attendees to vie for. The achievers of ANC2024 also be duly recognized and appreciated. Various awards bestowed during the event to honor the achievers, with special appearances by FMA Avengers and entrepreneurs who lended their voices in live musical performances.

The gala night ANC2024 also features the crowning of the best-dressed king and queen of ANC2024. The resplendent queen and dashing king graced the stage to receive their crowns, symbolizing their triumph in winning the coveted best-dressed award.

As the ANC2024 progresses, the top 10 lucky draw prizes drawn, eliciting a palpable sense of anticipation and excitement among the attendees. Finally, special gifts distributed to those who did not secure any lucky draw prizes as a token of appreciation before they bid farewell and depart for home.

The ANC2024 will draw to a close at 12:30 AM, leaving a radiant smile on the faces of all attendees, encapsulating the success and joy of the evening.